
Holanda: Duncan Laurence cancela concertos devido a problemas vocais

O cantor Duncan Laurence, vencedor do Festival Eurovisão 2019, cancelou os seus concertos em Utrecht, Maastrich e Eiidhoven devido a problemas vocais provocados por um vírus.

O cantor Duncan Laurence, vencedor do Festival Eurovisão 2019, revelou, nas redes sociais, que foi obrigado a cancelar os concertos em Utrecht, Maastricht e Eindhoven. "Esta semana senti-me mais vulnerável do que nunca. Perdi a voz em palco, quando tentava fazer um teste de som (...) senti-me como se estivesse num labirinto" revelou, frisando que a perda da voz deveu-se a um vírus, conforme confirmou o seu otorrinolaringologista. Segundo a sua última publicação, Duncan garante que está a recuperar a voz "lentamente" e que está "ansioso para voltar aos palcos".

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Working on my recovery. I think it’s good to not just always show the bright side of being a musician. This week I felt more vulnerable than ever before in my entire life. Losing my voice and standing on that stage, trying to do my soundcheck, not being able to sing one single tone, felt like walking into a maze... slowly forgetting how to get home... I tried to rely on what I had learned in the past years, I tried to produce the tones that would normally just come out naturally, tried to stick to the path, but there was nothing... or well, some awful little creaking sounds... But nothing close to what it should be. I felt relieved after visiting the ENT doctor, who told me it was just a virus. After a couple days of rest, I’ve had my first vocal session today, which included a massage and some muscle tests. The rest really helped. All the help I got really helped. Because my voice is slowly recovering. I can’t wait to be back on stage. I can’t wait to be back home. 💪🏻
Uma publicação partilhada por 𝕯𝖚𝖓𝖈𝖆𝖓 𝕷𝖆𝖚𝖗𝖊𝖓𝖈𝖊 (@itsduncanlaurence) a

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Fonte: DuncanLaurence / Imagem: Google / Vídeo:

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